Wednesday 24 February 2010

What's it all about then Steve?

In this troubled world with its myriad of conflicts and problems, run by people with their own egotistical interests at heart, it is easy to lose faith in the spiritual and creative aspects of our lives. The increasing and confusing pressures of work, money and family bear down on us and it is easy to become entrenched in our day-to-day survival and feel like a tarnished old ball in a pinball machine, battered here and there, from pillar to post and never quite reaching where we want to be.

We read that the answer is to be happy, to be joyful, to ignore all the little niggles and focus on the good and the good alone! So we have a go, and do we achieve it, have we moved past all the niggles? No? Why? And what's that about when we have moved past obstacles that more do appear? Why, when we have faithfully envisioned what we want have they not instantly appeared, or even after a few months, or a year...? Where are they?

The answer is in the Human Energy Field, more commonly known as the Aura, which is the field of subtle energy that surrounds us. This is the key to understanding and knowing what type of energy, and how much of it, we are manifesting in our lives here and now. Put simply, why what we want isn't here (yet!).

So how do we find out about the Human Energy Field, how it works and how it affects our lives practically?

Easy-peasy! Read Every Little Thing Matters and I will explain all about it simply, practically, and hopefully humorously, though perhaps you had better be the judge for that!
Every Little Thing Matters is a simple guide to using and understanding one of the greatest gifts that we are born with in this life, yet we are told little about it and taught even less, the Human Energy Field. It is free to use and available to all, you need only apply time and effort, and reading the book of course!

Watch this blog for more details of as and when E.L.T.M will be available to buy, I will also add some excerpts from the book and any other relevant information as it becomes available.


  1. delighted to discover your success! how the heck are you?x

  2. Hi there Blunden! I am assuming your first name starts with the last letter of your username?
    I am very well thank you, and if you are who I think you are, then I would love to catch up with you....? Thanks for the good wishes! Are you not on Facebook? Great for yapping and can message privately. Let me know how you'd like to converse?
    Steve. :) x
